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TopMedTalk for the latest medical news: Live updates from conferences; Journal Club; Techno-Talk; Interactive phone-in discussions; and Hot-Topic podcasts. Continuing Medical Education (CME) on the go.


Feb 28, 2022

How did your intensive care unit manage during COVID19? What are the common experiences of practitioners from the developed world who bravely faced a pandemic like no other?

This is part two of a two part piece.

The previous installment is here:

Feb 21, 2022

This podcast is part 4 in a series which is supported by the "Know AKI campaign", a bioMérieux global campaign to raise awareness about AKI.

For part one go here:

For part two go here:

Feb 14, 2022

How did your intensive care unit manage during COVID19? What are the common experiences of practitioners from the developed world who bravely faced a pandemic like no other?

This is part one of a two part piece.

The TV show mentioned in this piece is available here:

Editor's note;...

Feb 7, 2022

"Kidney disease ... is clearly a public health concern"

Health systems perspectives in acute kidney injury, this podcast is part 3 in a series which is supported by the "Know AKI campaign", a bioMérieux global campaign to raise awareness about AKI.

For part one go here: