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TopMedTalk for the latest medical news: Live updates from conferences; Journal Club; Techno-Talk; Interactive phone-in discussions; and Hot-Topic podcasts. Continuing Medical Education (CME) on the go.


Jun 30, 2020

The welcome return of Desiree's Roundtable is just one of the treats made possible by the groundbreaking virtual conference, EBPOM Live From London, which is taking place now.

If you missed out on tickets stay with us here on TopMedTalk where you will soon be hearing selected highlights through the rest of the year....

Jun 30, 2020

Go now to

This piece is a guide to just some of today's main events.

Please go to now to register for an incredible 3 days of life changing and life saving information. If you don't sign up in time for today don't forget, after the huge success of EBPOM Live from London our next big event is EBPOM -...

Jun 29, 2020

"The predominant emotion was fear..."; this piece is essential listening for every TopMedTalk listener who really cares about the experience of their patients. Hear what it was like to participate in the pioneering, tailored exercise training programme, The Encourage Trial. Also, find out about "the Buddy Scheme" and...

Jun 28, 2020

This talk is a powerful look at a new world where we commit your institution and practice to achieving an end goal of "zero preventable deaths". The Patient Safety Movement Foundation (PSMF) has generated an enormous amount of global news media coverage as it promotes that aim; celebrities, statesmen, politicians...

Jun 27, 2020

This piece is a reminder to all attendees at EBPOM Live From London that you should check the website now for details and content:

If you are looking for your usual fix of perioperative medical education but didn't manage to get tickets in time here are three excellent pieces from the archives:

The Brain...