Nov 29, 2021
Originally recorded during Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine (EBPOM)'s London conference this piece focuses upon pulmonary complications in the perioperative period. What do the data say, what are the key trials?
Presented by Denny Levett, Professor in Perioperative Medicine and Critical Care at Southampton...
Nov 25, 2021
One of the standout moments of Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine (EBPOM) 2021 this piece is a bonus podcast for the holiday season which looks in detail at oxygen from a perioperative medicine perspective, amongst other things this talk throws up some troubling and challenging observations about pulse oximetry.
Nov 22, 2021
"We have seen a very significant transition (in respiratory care) through COVID"
What have we learned about how to treat lung and breathing issues over the last few years? Away from alarming headlines and looking instead at data - is there a consensus on how COVID-19 should be treated? How has ventilation improved and...
Nov 15, 2021
Amisulpride is an antiemetic medication used at lower doses intravenously to prevent and treat postoperative nausea and vomiting; what does it look like in practice? Can it work as a 'rescue therapy'? What does the data tell us? Could a treatment for post-operative nausea and vomiting be a way to really enhance...
Nov 8, 2021
"Precision anesthesia [...] where we can give patients the anesthetic and the doses that they require on a patient specific basis"
This piece looks at nociception, the neural processes of encoding and processing "noxious" stimuli. By monitoring this anesthetic practitioners can deploy a level of precision not previously...