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TopMedTalk for the latest medical news: Live updates from conferences; Journal Club; Techno-Talk; Interactive phone-in discussions; and Hot-Topic podcasts. Continuing Medical Education (CME) on the go.


Aug 30, 2017

ASER 2017 and the POET acronym - a truly multidisciplinary Perioperative Enhancement Team; responsible for project managing optimisation programmes.

Monty Mythen speaks with Professor Sol Aronson, a tenured professor at Duke University and Executive Vice Chairman in the Department of Anesthesiology.

This piece is taken...

Aug 30, 2017

Pain Relief in Enhanced Surgical Recovery.

Monty Mythen asks Dr Joff Lacey and Professor Mike Grocott to reflect on the pain management discussions from day 1 of the American Society of Enhanced Recovery 2017.

For further reading see the articles in Perioperative Medicine Journal:

Aug 30, 2017

Dr Ramani Moonesinghe on Standardised Outcomes from Major Surgery.

Dr Joff Lacey and Professor Monty Mythen talk to Dr Ramani Moonesinghe, Director of the Heath Services Research Centre at the Royal College of Anaesthetists and a lead author of the Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI guidelines...

Aug 30, 2017

Discussion focused on: outcomes, length of stay and DREAMS (Drinking, Eating and Mobilising) within hours after major surgery, all key process and outcome measures. This in depth discussion relates to the recently published consensus paper from the Perioperative Quality Initiative.

Monty Mythen and Joff Lacey with Mike...

Aug 30, 2017

What is the SNAP-2 project? This piece explains in detail, the 2nd Sprint National Anaesthesia Project: Epidemiology of Critical Care provision after Surgery (SNAP-2: EpiCCS)

SNAP-2: EpiCCS will describe the epidemiology of perioperative risk, outcome, critical care referral and admission after inpatient surgery in the...