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TopMedTalk for the latest medical news: Live updates from conferences; Journal Club; Techno-Talk; Interactive phone-in discussions; and Hot-Topic podcasts. Continuing Medical Education (CME) on the go.


Aug 31, 2019

Prehabilitation is about planned pathways, preparing our patients for a journey which we as practitioners have already travelled. 4.2 million deaths are attributable to surgery each year globally, this presents a huge opportunity to improve the world for those who focus on perioperative surgery and prehabilitation. On the financial side, complications from surgery are proven to put costs up.

It's now widely accepted that perioperative medicine is the future of anaesthesia, how do we help the discipline evolve smoothly as it moves in this direction? The multidisciplinary aspect and the move away from the silo approach to healthcare is important, as is the challenge of the profession expanding out into 'population health'. With this in mind how might training evolve? What opportunities are about to be unlocked as a result of both big data, wearables and genoimcs?

For more information on "Getting it right first time" (GIRFT) go here:

Presented by Mike Grocott, Professor of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine, University of Southampton.