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TopMedTalk for the latest medical news: Live updates from conferences; Journal Club; Techno-Talk; Interactive phone-in discussions; and Hot-Topic podcasts. Continuing Medical Education (CME) on the go.


Mar 1, 2021

This piece focuses on the great work done by The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. We turn to their specific focus on COVID 19 and then look at the wider benefits of a network dedicated to patient safety in our field.

Their section on COVID 19 is here:

Feb 20, 2021

This piece digs deep into the realities of coping with COVID 19 patients who have had their care escalated to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU); "we don't seem to be looking at our typical sepsis patients who get multiple organ failure in the classical way" and "you're surprised at how young some of the patients...

Feb 2, 2021

"Babies are still being born" Still! Revisiting this conversation from early in the pandemic, we discuss obstetrics during COVID.

This piece looks at the area of obstetrics in the midst of an unprecedented global crisis regarding the COVID 19 outbreak. How can the delicate balance between reducing infections and...

Jan 30, 2021

"I'm also a United States Air Force Officer and reservist and on April 4th was activated and given approximately 48hrs to deploy on a C-5 Galaxy Military Aircraft to the epicenter, New York City and I've been here for approximately, it's been almost a month now"

This piece follows on from a previous exclusive...

Jan 28, 2021

This piece takes a look at the frontline fight against COVID 19 at Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center in New Jersey, USA. Details of airway, ventilation and hemodynamic management are discussed with the director of Critical care and Anesthesiology. Resource management is a clear front runner as the virus creates...