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TopMedTalk for the latest medical news: Live updates from conferences; Journal Club; Techno-Talk; Interactive phone-in discussions; and Hot-Topic podcasts. Continuing Medical Education (CME) on the go.


Sep 4, 2017

Should we still measure urine output? How useful is permissive oliguria?

Presented by Professor Monty Mythen and Dr Joff Lacey featuring guests Dr Tim Miller from Duke University Medical Centre and John A. Kellum, Tenured Professor, Critical Care Medicine from The University of Pittsburgh.
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Sep 4, 2017

How do cell cycle arrest biomarkers offer hope?

Presented by Professor Monty Mythen and Dr Joff Lacey featuring guests John A. Kellum, Tenured Professor, Critical Care Medicine from The University of Pittsburgh and Dr Tim Miller from Duke University Medical Centre.
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Sep 4, 2017

Professor John Kellum gives a thumbnail sketch summary of the fluid debate.

Presented by Professor Monty Mythen and Dr Joff Lacey with guest John A. Kellum, Tenured Professor, Critical Care Medicine from The University of Pittsburgh.
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This conversation taken from a longer...

Sep 4, 2017

Reactions to one of the big take away points of EBPOM 2017, intraoperative hypotension lower than 65 mmHg appears to show a close correlation to terrible, sometimes fatal, outcomes.

Presented by Professor Monty Mythen and Dr Joff Lacey featuring guests Dr Tim Miller from Duke University Medical Centre and John A....

Sep 4, 2017

What is a 'micromort'? Even more of a worry, what does ten of them mean? How do we measure and communicate risk to patients? Everyday activities all carry inherent risks, how do we put surgery into a context 'everyday people' can more easily understand?

Recorded on day two of EBPOM 2017; Professor Monty Mythen presents with...