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TopMedTalk for the latest medical news: Live updates from conferences; Journal Club; Techno-Talk; Interactive phone-in discussions; and Hot-Topic podcasts. Continuing Medical Education (CME) on the go.


Sep 30, 2019

What can the experiences of a team who helped to introduce pre-operative assesment and prehabilitation to Barcelona teach us about how to most effectively implement and sustain similar programmes where we are?

How and why is prehabilitation helpful in terms out outcomes and value based care? How long can the benefits of...

Sep 29, 2019

Is it still ethically viable to have a standard arm in a prehabilitation trial? Which allied health professionals supervises the exercise part of these trials? What are the biggest reasons for non-adherence to home based exercise programmes? How do you address a possible selection bias with candidates? What is the best...

Sep 28, 2019

Insights and perspectives on the science of prehabilitation from a very different angle. It's often said on TopMedTalk that preparing for an operation is not unlike getting ready for a marathon; how do the insights of professionals who work with elite sports men and women to ensure they are fully prepared to do...

Sep 27, 2019

This piece presents the prehabilitation 'business case'; why it's important to care about costs, how outcomes and value based care can help and why money has to be important in healthcare.

How do we convert health benefits and risk management into something which explains the financial bottom line?

Can we really argue...

Sep 26, 2019

This piece gives an insight into how the insights of an ex-colorectal surgeon can be blended with the understandings of a medical administrator; how can those two roles work together and understand each other more?

There's a useful Perioperative Coach segment which outlines "Stop Bang" here: