Jun 21, 2020
This piece focuses on The Balanced Anesthesia Study, 'A Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial of Two Levels of Anesthetic Depth on Patient Outcome After Major Surgery'. How can delerium be measured and standardised in a multi-centre trial?
More on the study here: https://journals.lww.com/anesthesia-analgesia/FullText/2015/08000/Rationale_and_Design_of_the_Balanced_Anesthesia.14.aspx
More on the Confusion Assesment Method here: https://www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/resources/our-services/acute-medicine-gi-surgery/elderly-care/cam-diagnostic-algorithm.pdf
The Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) for Prevention of Delirium is here: https://www.hospitalelderlifeprogram.org/
We discuss the ENGAGES trial here: https://www.topmedtalk.com/journal-club-1-14-jama-the-engages-randomized-clinical-trial/
More on the Women in Anaesthesia Research, a BJA Symposium, here: https://www.periopmedicine.org.au/2019prato
Presented by Desiree Chappell and Monty Mythen with Lis Evered, neuroscientist and Head of Research in the Department of Anaesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne. She has led an international group to standardise nomenclature for cognitive change associated with anaesthesia and surgery. She is an Editorial Board member of British Journal of Anaesthesia.
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Lis Evered also features on TopMedTalk here: https://www.topmedtalk.com/sunday-special-the-perioperative-cognition-workshop-part-1/