May 9, 2019
TopMedTalk live is a gathering of Trainees with an interest in Perioperative Medicine (TRIPOM) alongside TopMedTalk listeners and EBPOM 2018 attendees in the IET London, England.
This conversation is driven by questions from listeners online and attendees in the audience.
What do you do when it comes to 'screening for frailty? Should it be physical frailty or mental frailty? What do we then do with that information? How do we acknowledge the fact that, over the perioperative period, a 'frailty score' will likely change? Is 'the perioperative moment' a moment that can produce lasting long term lifestyle changes? When it comes to prehabilitation, how do we overcome issues regarding patient motivation?
TopMedTalk live was presented by Desiree Chappell and Monty Mythen in front of a live audience with panellists; John Whittle, assistant Professor at Duke University Medical Centre and one of the founders of TRIPOM, Katie Samuel, TRIPOM co-chair and perioperative medicine fellow at UCL Hospitals, Dr Lee A. Fleisher Professor and Chair of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, University of Pennsylvania and Ross Kerridge, John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, Australia, often cited as 'the father of Modern Perioperative Medicine'.