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TopMedTalk for the latest medical news: Live updates from conferences; Journal Club; Techno-Talk; Interactive phone-in discussions; and Hot-Topic podcasts. Continuing Medical Education (CME) on the go.


Nov 27, 2020

This piece has been released to coincide with the first virtual International Fluid Academy Day (IFAD). TopMedTalk listeners have enjoyed following the meeting annually for some time now; we're equally as excited about their online proposition. Find out more here:

This piece digs deep into...

Nov 25, 2020

This piece has been released to coincide with the first virtual International Fluid Academy Day (IFAD). TopMedTalk listeners have enjoyed following the meeting annually for some time now; we're equally as excited about their online proposition.

This piece is a chance to hear a now famous discussion which TopMedTalk...

Nov 23, 2018

This piece is a chance to reflect upon the importance of new media within the sphere of medical education. As the run away success of TopMedTalk and other podcasts in this area shows people are hungry to use the unique potential of this medium. Also - how has social media, video casting and live streaming altered the...

Nov 23, 2018

This podcast is an exclusive discussion regarding the second session at The International Fluid Academy Day (IFAD) in Amsterdam.

This in depth discussion is a reaction to the session at IFAD and contains insights into the following topics; 'Everything you need to know about fluid therapy', results from some of the...

Nov 23, 2018

Download this podcast for an exclusive discussion regarding the first session at The International Fluid Academy Day (IFAD) on Friday morning in Amsterdam.

This in depth discussion is a reaction to the first session at IFAD and contains insights into the following topics; 'Everything you need to know about fluid...