Sep 21, 2018
Artificial intelligence; everyone's talking about it and everyone is doing it, or so they say. What's the reality behind these technologies? This discussion delves deep into that future with a discussion about the exciting new developments in the Hypotension Probability Index (HPI) which uses an automated closed loop technology that helps to predict intraoperative hypotension.
This piece is presented by Monty Mythen and Desiree Chappell with contributions from; Sir Bruce Keogh KBE, FRCS, FRCP, British surgeon and physician who specialises in cardiac surgery he was, until this year, Medical Director of the National Health Service in England and National Medical Director of the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS England); Ramani Moonesinghe, Director of the UK National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia Health Services Research Centre; Mike Spiro, anaesthetic consultant at the Royal Free Hospital and also a question from one of the EBPOM Q&A sessions.
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