Jul 28, 2019
This piece is a chance to reflect upon the importance of new media within the sphere of medical education. As the run away success of TopMedTalk and other podcasts in this area shows people are hungry to use the unique potential of this medium. Also - how has social media, video casting and live streaming altered the way conferences are both organised, executed and received?
Finally, our team of experts tackle the eternal question; where to next?
Presented by Joff Lacey with his guests; David Lyness, Doctor in Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Medicine at Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Segun Olusanyam Specialty Trainee in Intensive Care Medicine, Jamie Strachan, Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia Registrar & Council Member of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and Dr Cian McDermott Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Mater Misericordiae University Hospital.
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