May 16, 2022
"We're able to really optimize the nutrition for that specific surgery ... we're able to individualise our care plans as dieticians for these patients" This discussion follows on from a previous piece which you can find here:
Discussion picks up, following on from the above presentation with questions from the live audience who were attending one of Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine's (EBPOM) cutting edge conferences in either Chicago or Ireland. To find out more about EBPOM's next exciting conference please go now to
Chaired by John Whittle, Associate Professor, Perioperative Medicine, University College London, and Vicki Morton, Director of Clinical and Quality Outcomes, Providence Anesthesiology Associates, with their guests, Oonagh Griffin, Senior Dietician - pancreatic cancer care, St Vincent's University Hospital, Leah Cox, Specialist Dietician - cancer rehabilitation, nutrition and dietetic department Kings College, London, Rebecca Ilic, Clinical Nutrition Manager, Northwestern Memorial Hospital.