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Sep 27, 2019

This piece presents the prehabilitation 'business case'; why it's important to care about costs, how outcomes and value based care can help and why money has to be important in healthcare.

How do we convert health benefits and risk management into something which explains the financial bottom line?

Can we really argue that a process which appears, at the point of practice, to take more time, resources and involve a shorter length of stay for patients, is actually cheaper for institutions in the long run and better value for patients?

Is there in fact more than one 'business case' for a proper perioperative prehabilitation clinic at your practice?

The Fit 4 Surgery website (Netherlands) is here:

Presented by Stefan van Rooijen, surgical resident in Maxima Medical Center, The Netherlands, lecturer at the first Health Innovation School (Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and Reshape innovation), Surgical resident, Department of Surgery at Maxima Medical Center (ANIOS).