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TopMedTalk for the latest medical news: Live updates from conferences; Journal Club; Techno-Talk; Interactive phone-in discussions; and Hot-Topic podcasts. Continuing Medical Education (CME) on the go.


Jul 26, 2017

ASER 2017 a “truly multidisciplinary conference” and "one of the best ones yet"; looking to continue to increase membership and push further education; taking on the challenge of applying new ideas on site; the challenge of reaching both surgeons and anaesthetists; tips for people trying to engage multidisciplinary teams and also overcoming concerns related to perioperative surgery by 'keeping it about the patient, don’t give it a name, focus on outcomes and remembering that data talks'.
Furthermore, download this podcast for a comprehensive introduction to the POQI (Perioperative Quality Initiative) papers; a method adopted to bring 20-30 experts together for 2-3 days, seminar style. With equal numbers of anaesthetists and surgeons alongside some industry sponsors, nurses and CRNA members they face topical questions in a process which is useful because it raises more questions than answers. Each manuscript they produce contains ‘future steps’ and produces ‘more mature questions’. Dealing with 4 main areas – pain infection, outcomes and fluid management. 
Also, how does ERAS apply to elective colorectal surgery? By, amongst other thing, discussing expectations with patients, staying 'patient focused' and having a protocol which starts right at the point of diagnosis the perioperative process has brought dramatic reductions in length of stay and increased patient satisfaction.
Discover more about “the POQI Pain paper”. Should we be encouraging patients to 'DRink EAt Mobilise and Sleep – DREAMS'? What is optimal analgesia? Should we minimise pain rather than aim to be ‘pain free’? Should we set our target to be opioid free if we can use the multimodal approach?
Finally, the bowel prep discussion is included here. Bowel prep has moved on and become “less harmful”, patient satisfaction is now part of the process, which it wasn’t always previously. Difference in fluid management are discussed and the need for more reports regarding it. How is surgical site infection balanced with patient comfort?
Sponsored by EBPOM and EDWARDS life sciences.
This is the first ever pilot episode of TopMedTalk; Monty couldn’t make it to ASER that year so worked with some friends to pick up on the big stories. Dr Joff Lacey and Professor Mike Grocott join him live from Washington DC with their guest Dr Julie Thacker, the then president elect at ASER.
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