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Jun 26, 2018

Fluid Matters - the ‘nil by mouth’ or ‘NPO’ debate

This piece is taken from "The Great Fluid Debate", it's about changes in practice that have been implimented both in the UK and at various medical centres in the US. Hear how and why the old 'nil by mouth' or ‘NPO’ policy has changed in many instances.

From water to carbohydrate drinks, to black coffee, the thinking has changed in many institutions but part of the battle is in educating patients and their well meaning friends and relatives.

Chaired by Professor Monty Mythen and featuring; Dr Tim Miller, anesthsiologist from Duke University Medical Centre; Professor Mike Grocott, Professor of Anaesthesia and Critical Care at the University of Southampton; Professors Paul Wischmeyer and Stuart Grant, from the Department of Anesthesiology, Duke University and featuring questions from the audience.

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